17 Farnham Street

Parnell, Auckland

09 377 6666


Find out more about why our safe deposit box service is the best available in New Zealand

Do I need a safe deposit box? 

Your family heirlooms, jewellery, vital documents, computer files, cash, foreign currency, artworks can be destroyed or stolen from your home all too easily. A Security Deposits Vault safe deposit boxes are the surest way to protect the things you can’t afford to lose.

How long can I rent a safe deposit box for?

The minimum rental period is one year but you can rent a box on perpetually renewable terms for a virtually unlimited period of time.

What can I store in my safe deposit box?
You may store any property or documents in your box, apart from anything explosive, dangerous, offensive, inflammable, corrosive, perishable, or illegal.

How do I open a Safe Deposit Box

When you come to Security Deposits Vault for the first time  bring:

  • A current passport on its own, or
  • A drivers license plus one of the following:
    • A bank-issued credit card or EFTPOS card with your name and signature
    • or a document issued by a government agency which has your name and signature on it (such as a Super Gold Card).
  • Proof of your address (utility invoice or bank document that has your address on it and is not more than 3 months old).
  • If you are opening the box in the name of a trust, in addition to the above you will need to bring with you your Deed of Trust.

What do I receive when I rent a safe deposit box?

We will provide you with a numbered safe deposit box, a removable metal box sleeve for that box,  two keys (one is a spare) .

What happens if I lose my key?

If you lose one or both of your safe deposit box keys, you must immediately notify us in writing. We will schedule a time with you to break open the box. You have the option to continue with the lease and move to another box of the same size, or you can terminate the lease if you want to. You will be charged for the cost of the new lock, keys, and admin work to open the box and install a new lock.

What happens if I die?

In the event of your death, your safe deposit box will be ‘frozen’ until a legally appointed person such as an executor is nominated to retrieve the contents of your box. Security Deposits Vault will only release the contents of your box to either a person you nominate or a person legally appointed by your estate.

Will my safe deposit box be covered by insurance?

Security Deposits Vault itself is insured, but contents of the safe deposit boxes are not covered by our insurance. Your existing household contents insurance should cover the contents of your safe deposit box but you should confirm this directly with your insurance provider.

Can I nominate someone else to have access to my safe deposit box?

You may nominate up to two additional authorised users to have access to your safe deposit box. They will need to be photographed and have their fingerprint taken for ID access

Can anyone else gain access to my safe deposit box?

If the Police, the Court, the Government, or any relevant authority serves us with a warrant requiring us to open your box for inspection, we may ask you to do so. If you refuse, we may break open your box and bill you for the cost.

Can Security Deposits Vault  refuse me access?

We may refuse you access if we suspect you are under duress, or accompanied by an unauthorised or suspicious person, or on any other reasonable grounds.

Will my privacy be protected?

Your privacy is as important to Security Deposits Vault  as the security of the items stored in your safe deposit box. We will never ask what is stored in your safe deposit box or volunteer any information you give us to any other agency. We provide several unmonitored viewing rooms in which you can open your safe deposit box in complete privacy.