17 Farnham Street

Parnell, Auckland

09 377 6666

Data Storage

vaultWhen you need secure data storage Auckland, look no further than the Security Deposits Vault.

Secure storage of intellectual property and business data is imperative and cannot be underestimated. Security Deposits Vault specialises in protecting your organisation’s data, while giving you and your staff control over your storage.

Offsite storage of business information and data is a crucial part of business continuity plans, which ensure your business will continue to function in the event of disruption of your normal operational capacity. Your data will be stored in individual safe deposit boxes that can be accessed only by your staff as needed, and Security Deposits Vault guarantees your data is protected against intrusion. By giving you control of your business data storage, Security Deposits Vault is helping to reduce your security costs and associated courier charges that you may currently be incurring.